Author : Fernando Palomo

Retrospectives series: Big event in a team

Here is a new idea for you, my friend facilitator, to try out in your next retrospectives. The core of format is based in a tool from my ORSC teachers from CRR and Augere, and I added some ideas over it. I have already applied this format a couple of times with success in authentic multidisciplinary teams. A strong commitment and smooth conflict […]

Retrospectives series: Heaven and Hell

This is the second article of the retrospective series, I hope you enjoy it, find it useful and can apply it with your team soon. Please, leave some feedback when this actually happens! This retrospective is titled “Heaven and Hell”, soon you will learn why… USE This is a good retrospective format for teams who are […]

Challenges coaching multidisciplinary teams

It is a great concept this multidisciplinary thing: Create a single team with all the different people required to deliver a service, instead of having different knowledge areas doing their part independently. Make them work at the same pace. Have them focus on the same goal at a given moment. Remove extremely detailed documentation to […]

Agilar as Belbin Team Roles Accredited professionals

Last February 2015, José Ramón Díaz and myself finished our Belbin Roles Accreditation Course. We had already used this technique, helping other accredited professionals to run the exercises with some of the teams we were coaching. After all this period, we can say that we find it a very useful and powerful tool to coach teams and […]

Scrum teams: self-organizing or self-directed?

Recently I am facing discussions too frequently with different people about the meaning of a self-organizing team in SCRUM. I think there are some misunderstandings between self-organizing and self-directed teams. Let’s see… a self-organized team follows a goal ( that might or might not be shared ) defined by the P.O. and her stakeholders. The team […]

My ball is my goal

Este es un juego para ayudar a organizaciones a entender el valor de tener objetivos compartidos, y demostrar que los grupos maximizan su rendimiento cuando marcan objetivos comunes por encima de la búsqueda de reconocimiento individual.Este juego debe realizarse en un espacio grande y cerrado. Dependiendo del material de las pelotas, puede ser muy ruidoso, […]

Yet another niko-niko calendar

Recently, As part of the Coaching project Agilar is doing at  , we introduced the usage of niko-niko calendars to offer awareness of the team’s mood. As usual, it’s being a very useful tool for everyone to understand in a glance how things are going, and help sharing the responsibility of improving the team’s […]

How to obtain the resulting code of merging a pull request in GitHub

If you use Github in your development workflow, you probably use pull requests. At some point, you might need to get the code resultant of merging that pull request. Or even the code in that pull request, before being merged. If it’s the case, you have to edit your .git/config file, which might look like […]

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